Soultakers Haunted House
Soultaker's Haunted House features one of Indiana's largest collections of high tech interactive animatronics along with a terrifying cast of live scaracters !
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October 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26 - FRIDAY & SATURDAY 8:00pm -11:00pm
Special Lights on Event: Saturday October 12th & 19th 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Soul Takers Acres
Views: 60074
Scare Factor RATE IT:
9 Skulls
Monsters/Actors RATE IT:
9.3 Skulls
Originality RATE IT:
9.3 Skulls
Sets, Detail, Theming RATE IT:
9.3 Skulls
Special FX RATE IT:
9.3 Skulls
our guest rated this attraction 46 SKULLS OUT OF 50
Check website for haunted house updates and special events.
I Would Go Back
Overall Soul Takers Acres is well done, ignore the haters. The mixture of actors and props inside the house is good and it isn't too short. I would like to see more adults involved but it is nice that kids are willing to work. It's no Niles Scream Park but you have to consider budgets which is based on how many people are buying tickets. The best part for me was Michael Myers outside stalking the lines, the part was played almost too well! It was the perfect addition this year especially when you come straight from the new Halloween movie.
Posted 10/30/2018
Fun times
Good mix of live actors and props. Changes every year
Posted 10/19/2018
Fun Night
This is a really fun & exciting house. There was something hiding around every corner. It has a good mix of animatronics & real people.
Posted 10/09/2017
Cheap admission
The price is really good... $10 and we couldn't pass it up. The location is easy to find because of the spot light in the air. No one is directing parking though.
The haunted attraction is good. 30 minutes is what it took us. Very detailed areas. Very diverse in the scares and you will get scared whether you're firsthe in line or last. Everyone does their character well and doesn't break from that. They truly will scare you.
The fog tent was crazy! It took us 5 minutes to get out cos it was foggy and strobes light and long tunnel.
We got scared 4 times by the same character so they did very very good!!!
Posted 10/09/2016
It was totally awesome! I'd go again!!
Posted 10/02/2016
I've coughed up scarier things than this.
I've coughed up scarier things than this plus I was really offended by the room in which they were playing Poltergeist on a tv, which is one of my all time favorite scary movies, but they were playing the theme from The Exorcist at the same time. Did they think they were the same? cause they don't belong together. If you are going to play a horror movie and theme music at the same time at least use the theme from the movie being played.
The haunt was too short and just not scary at all. I was very bored while walking through. You get outside and go through a short made that just had one actor with a chainsaw that didn't even try to scare anyone.