Safety Rules 1) Please do not stray off the path. 2) This is a live performance please do not touch any of our actors, they will not intentionally touch you. 3) You will be entering and exiting old buildings so please watch your step throughout. 4) Absolutely, no photography or videotaping. 5) Turn off your cell phone ringer and do not accept calls or text during the tour. 6) There is no smoking permitted on the tour. 7) No light sources are permitted. Please refrain from using your cell phones or flashlights to light the way. 8) Do not touch our props or disturb the historic haunted buildings in anyway. 9) Please be courteous of other members of your group. Remember, this is a shared experience. 10) Individuals age 15 and under must have a responsible adult on site at all times. 11) Rowdy or aggressive behavior and profanity will not be tolerated and are cause for removal from the attraction. 12) Do not enter the attraction intoxicated or under the influence of anything. 13) WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMOVE ANYONE FROM THE ATTRACTION WITHOUT A REFUND AND WE WILL PRESS CHARGES FOR UNLAWFUL BEHAVIOR! MEDICAL CONDITION CAUTION: There are strobe lights, fog machines, lasers, projectors, sound effects, and loud music in the attraction. Please do not enter if you have a medical condition, are pregnant, claustrophobic, on crutches, have any type of heart condition, epilepsy, respiratory problems, or back pain. You know your physical limitations, Rochester Horror does not. If you suspect your health could be at risk for any reason or you could aggravate a preexisting condition of any kind do not participate.
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