Utah Haunted Houses are some of the scariest and best in America! Hauntworld.com rates and reviews the best and Scariest haunted houses, haunted attractions, and Halloween events in America! Fear Factory is located in Salt Lake City. Fear Factory is one of the best and scariest haunted houses in Utah. Read the full review and story of Fear Factory in Salt Lake City. Please share this page and leave your reviews of one of Utah's best and scariest haunted house. When you find yourself in the SLC area go to Fear Factory.
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If you are daring enough to endure a blood curdling fright that will freeze the marrow in your bones, then by all means... pay a visit to the Fear Factory in Salt Lake City, Utah.
You’ve heard it all before… Spook alleys and haunted attractions claiming they are the best or the most terrifying or the scariest attraction ever. Well, the Fear Factory will throttle your adrenaline into overdrive by a fear factor of TEN!
It all started over a hundred and thirty years ago. A cement factory known as the Portland Cement Works began its operation in the heart of industrial Salt Lake City. What’s so special about that? Well, nothing really, except the horrific deaths that occurred that will make bile etch its way into the back of your throat.
Start with George Howe. He was in charge of maintenance on the coal crusher, a piece of machinery powered by giant grinding gears. Poor George. (You know where this is going.) Alone on a graveyard shift, George was applying oil to the gears deep within the crusher. The machine grabbed his sleeve and slowly started pulling him into the giant gears. Unable to free himself, George screamed for help, but the solid factory walls muted his terror. Pop! His arm snapped from its socket and ripped from his torso. George Howe was fully conscious as his entire body twisted into the rotating gears before being torn and mutilated.
For factory managers, this first accident was shocking, unexpected, and unfortunate, but as the frequency of accidents increased, the workers grew numb as the factory seemed intent on keeping its gears oiled in blood. This cement factory would take victims in the blink of an eye, leaving bodies mauled, dismembered, burned, electrocuted, or beheaded.

Charles Whitner only worked at the factory for two short weeks before it claimed him as a victim as he attempted to navigate his way across the upper floors of the factory. The rising steam from the potash and chemical vats below made him so dizzy that he slipped and slowly slid toward the boiling liquid. He clawed at the burning steel until his fingers melted to the bone. Charles disintegrated in the chemicals.
Too dangerous to keep running, the cursed Portland Cement Works closed its doors. Decades passed, and other businesses acquired the property, but the building kept claiming victims to satisfy its apparent hunger for death. These businesses never lasted long. Falling into disrepair, the old factory became home to transients and wanderers. A few gruesome murders and a strange death have authorities baffled to this day. A man was found decapitated on the railroad tracks just a dozen feet from the Fear Factory entrance, his body still in a kneeling position. Was it the curse of the cement factory?
In 2011, the current owners acquired the property and explored its expansive spaces, silos, and underground tunnels…yes, underground tunnels! Soon after, the Fear Factory Haunted House was born. This is where it gets freaky. At night, if it’s very quiet, one can hear distant screams of terror echo off the cement walls. Is it George Howe’s ghost? Is it Charles Whitner’s spirit, or something else…something demonic? Just ask anyone who works at the Fear Factory in Salt Lake. They’ve all heard the screams and seen shadows stare down from the ceiling then dash away. What’s even more scary is the haunting sound of a little girl laughing in the middle of the night during the witching hour. There are no historical records that account for the death of a child at the factory, so what is it—a child, or a dark entity mimicking something innocent to lure you in? The hauntings can be so terrifying that Ghost Adventures featured The Fear Factory in an episode on the Travel Channel.

We asked owner, Rob Dunfield, about the success of Fear Factory. “Our success in the haunted house business can be directly attributed to the drive and determination of my amazing staff. Together we are always motivated to providing the highest quality haunted house event for our customers WITH the highest level of pure terror style acting, and our customers LOVE it! Which is why we have such a loyal customer base in Salt Lake City and far beyond.”
There’s a reason the Fear Factory attracts thousands upon thousands of haunt enthusiasts every season. What’s contained within the concrete will terrorize your soul. The owners just didn’t rent out a warehouse and decorate the walls like all the other spook alleys. During the 45-minute adventure, the Fear Factory takes its patrons through the creepy underground tunnels of the old cement factory, where the damp catacombs reside. And that’s now all! Thrill seekers will also endure over 11 sections of the Fear Factory on a half dozen acres of land filled with graveyards, wastelands, torture chambers, an infirmary for the insane, a sadistic chapel, a fun house filled with possessed clowns, and a tower catwalk 75 feet in the air; the only way down is a two story slide.
If being chased by psychos with chain saws or navigating an escape through the Hell Silo isn’t enough, adrenaline junkies will get their kicks trying the bungee free fall or the 200-foot, spine-tingling zip line! The Fear Factory even uses groundbreaking technology for a thrilling virtual reality experience that will have your heart beating like a kettledrum.
There are things in this world that will never be understood. This cement factory has seen its fair share of death, and if you are a believer that places can hold energy from terrible tragedies, then visit the Fear Factory—if you dare. Something very strange is going on. It’s no coincidence that it’s located at 666 West in Salt Lake City. There’s no denying why this event is touted one of the scariest haunted scream parks in ALL of America, not just Utah. Do you have what it takes to navigate through this factory of fear? Because, this isn’t just another haunted house in your neighborhood; this is the real thing, and this is why the Fear Factory is starting to be widely known nationwide as the icon of fear!
For more information, go to http://fearfactoryslc.com